Designing Effective Performance Management Systems
May 13, 2024Thank You For Your Contribution
June 24, 2024On May 18th, 2024, one member of our Pertiwi-Consulting team, Ni Made Satvvani Dama Kurnianti, participated in an online course titled ‘Skill Improvement’ at TAALENTA with the material theme ‘General K3 and Work Environment’. Pertiwi-Consulting gained knowledge about the basics of General K3 and K3 in the Work Environment. K3 stands for the Indonesian words ‘Keamanan, Kesehatan, dan Keselamatan,’ which translate to Health, Security, and Safety. The General K3 basics were explained in more detail, such as K3 Definition, K3 Legal Basis, and K3 Terminology. Meanwhile, K3 in the Work Environment encompasses all activities aimed at ensuring and protecting the safety and health of workers through the control of the work environment and the implementation of Sanitary Hygiene in the Workplace. This includes Measurement and Control of the Work Environment, Implementation of Hygiene and Sanitation, K3 Personnel, and so on. The material and learning are very useful and help both our clients and us increase awareness and implement K3 in the work environment per K3 laws and regulations.